How to secure mobile apps in 2022
  • April 29, 2022
  • admin

How to secure mobile apps in 2022

mobile apps


Security is the most essential part of any application. It is not enough to simply develop a mobile application, you need to make sure that it has enough security features in place so that people can easily use it without having one bit of concern about its safety. The mobile app industry has seen rapid growth in recent years, but there are still many companies that overlook the need to protect their apps.  A lack of security can cause problems for your business, too. In this article we will discuss how you can take steps now to make sure your mobile applications are secure and reliable over the coming years.

Data Encryptions

Data encryption is the process of encoding data so that only those with a key can read it. This process is used to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access. For example, when you swipe your credit card at a store, the information on the computer screen is encrypted. To an outside observer, if they were looking over your shoulder as you swiped your credit card, all they would see are scrambled numbers and letters. Sites like Amazon use this to protect your personal information for security reasons.

Secure Codes in mobile applications

There are many ways to keep mobile apps from being hacked. Many of the systems have two-factor authentication, which means that you need to enter a code in addition to your password before you can access the app. Other codes use proximity, meaning that the app will work only if you’re close enough to it. Another way is to make an app more difficult to hack by adding security features such as encryption and data obfuscation.

User Authentications

There are many ways to authenticate a user. These methods are either stylus-based, fingerprint, or iris scanning. One of the big concerns is how secure each method is and how easy it is for someone to steal your identity. Iris scanning is one of the most secure ways to authenticate a user, but people can still get their fingerprints on the phone if they use it enough. Another suggestion is using passwords instead of autofill systems so that the passwords can’t be stolen from the app.

Compliance & Integrity

Mobile app security is a huge issue with the compliance rate dropping to 66% in 2017. This means that more than two thirds of business applications are not compliant with new guidelines. The most common problem was found in violations of data storage, weak encryption, and session management. To combat this, companies must ensure that all developers are compliant by 2022.

Security Triggers

As the IoT continues to grow, so will the frequency of data breaches. This is due to the fact that many companies are rushing to release new network-connected devices without implementing security features that could protect customers and their data. According to Gartner, more than 6 billion internet-of-things (IoT) devices will be put into service in 2020. However, according to their research, only 25% of these devices will offer strong authentication measures and encryption capabilities.

Secure APIs

Mobile applications use APIs (application programming interface) to access information from other systems. APIs are created by organizations that offer their services for a fee. Organizations can also create an API for free for the public to use. These days, there is no shortage of API providers but not all API’s are created equally. In order to find out if an API is secure, developers should review the API documentation and look at who owns the API and what they do with it. They should also check if the data that is being accessed is encrypted and if it has 2 factor authentication or not.

Data Privileges in mobile app security

As businesses and individuals continue to consolidate their data in the cloud, protecting that data becomes more difficult. Data security is always a concern for any organization, but it’s even more important now that apps are often used to store personal information. In order to gain access to an app, users will have to provide some level of identifying information which should be closely monitored. Apps should also be designed with enough layers of security so if hackers do manage to break through one layer of protection they can’t get all the way through the app and personal data.


The author concludes by suggesting that it is important to invest in a detailed threat assessment to find the most dangerous threats for mobile apps. With more and more data breaches, we can expect to see the number of apps that are secure in 2022 to continue to rise.

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